


Cell Death and Human Disease

日期: 2012-06-01
william hill中文网
题目:Cell Death and Human Disease
报告人:Xiaodong Wang
Director and Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing
时间:2012年6月1日(周五),13:00-14:30 PM
Selected Publications:
1. Wang, Z., Jiang, H., Chen, S., Du, F., Wang, X. (2012). The mitochondrial phosphatase PGAM5 functions at the convergence point of multiple necrotic death pathways. Cell 148(1-2):228-43.
2. Sun, L., Wang, H., Wang, Z., He, S., Chen, S., Liao, D., Wang, L., Yan, J., Liu, W., Lei, X., Wang, X. (2012). Mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein mediates necrosis signaling downstream of RIP3 kinase. Cell 148(1-2):213-27.
3. Shang, L., Chen, S., Du, F., Li, S., Zhao, L., Wang, X. (2011). Nutrient starvation elicits an acute autophagic response mediated by Ulk1 dephosphorylation and its subsequent dissociation from AMPK. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 108:4788-4793.
4. Fang, M., Shen, Z., Huang, S., Zhao, L., Chen, S., Mak, T.W., and Wang, X. (2010) The ER UDPase ENTPD5 promotes protein N-Glycosylation, the Warburg effect, and proliferation in the PTEN pathway. Cell 143:711-724.