


Complex trait variation in plants

日期: 2010-12-03


1.   Manzaneda, A.J., VSK Prasad, and T. Mitchell-Olds (2010). Variation and fitness costs for tolerance to different types of herbivore damage in Boechera stricta genotypes with contrasting glucosinolate structures. New Phytologist, 188:464-77.
2. Heidel, A., S. Ramos-Onsins, W-K. Wang, T.Y.Chiang, and T. Mitchell-Olds (2010). Population history in Arabidopsis halleri using multilocus analysis. Mol. Ecol., 19:3364-79.

3. Schranz, ME, AJ Manzaneda, AJ Windsor, MJ Clauss, and T Mitchell-Olds (2009). Ecological genomics of Boechera stricta: identification of a QTL controlling the allocation of methionine- vs branched-chain amino acid-derived glucosinolates and levels of insect herbivory. Heredity 102:465-74.
