


The ventral visual pathway: objects, scenes and the processing of “quality”

日期: 2015-03-03
题目:The ventral visual pathway: objects, scenes and the processing of “quality”
报告人:Christopher Ian Baker , Ph.D., NIH
时间:March 10, Tue, 1:00-2:30PM
地点:Room 1113, Wang Kezhen Building
邀请人:Prof. Fang Fang
摘要:High-level visual processing of objects and scenes in the human brain has typically been characterized in terms of hierarchical processing of information toward invariant representations for recognition (“what”). In this talk, I will use an anatomical framework derived from non-human primates to discuss the organization and function of the ventral visual pathway. In particular, I will focus on the impact of retinotopy on the large-scale organization of the pathway, the effect of the observer’s goals or task, and interactions between the dorsal and ventral visual pathways. Overall, I will argue that the function of high-level ventral visual cortex is probably best understood as representing the stable qualities of the visual world, with properties reflecting the combination of anatomical constraints combined with the statistical properties of the input.