


Nonequilibrium thermodynamics in phase space

日期: 2015-07-13


题目:Nonequilibrium thermodynamics in phase space

报告人: 钱纮 教授


时间  : 2015-7-15(周三),2:00pm-4:00pm




Nonequilibrium thermodynamics (NET) concerns transport processes in systems out of global equilibrium. Macroscopic NET has found wide applications in chemical and mechanical engineering, biological physics and biophysical chemistry, heterogeneous materials with interfaces, and thermal radiation.On a mesoscopic level and in terms of statistical descriptions of dynamics,various transport phenomena, such as chemical reactions, ionic transport, thermo-chemo-mechanics, diffusion, etc., can all be quantitatively described in terms of a single variable: a flux that expresses transport of probabilities in phase space. Mesoscopic stochastic NET in its abstract form, therefore, attains a universal formulation as a branch of applied probability. In the present review, we introduce this mesolevel formulation of NET through simple examples in chemistry. Several fundamental insights can be traced back to T. L. Hill`s pioneering work on nonequilibrium steady state cycle kinetics on graphs. The statistical mechanics of Onsager`s reciprocal relations is elucidated. A local equilibrium assumption is needed to apply the abstract theory in phase space to laboratory measurements. Chemo-mechanical, thermo-mechanical, and enzyme catalyzed thermo-chemical and electro-chemical energy transductions are discussed. With rigorous mathematical basis, mesoscopic stochastic NET provides fundamental concepts needed for understanding complex processes in chemistry, physics and biology. It gives the foundation for designing nano-devices that perform useful functions through energy transduction.
