


Replication stress, genomic instability, and tumorigenesis

日期: 2015-07-16


报告题目:Replication stress, genomic instability, and tumorigenesis

报告人:Zhiyuan Shen, Ph.D.

Professor, Chief of Radiation Cancer Biology,

Co-Leader of Genomic Instability and Cancer Genetics program,

Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey


Ph.D., Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA

MS, Institute of Radiation Medicine, Beijing, China

M.D., Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences, Jilin, China



Research Interests:

Genomic instability is a major driving force for tumorigenesis. Mammalian cells use several mechanisms to maintain their genomic stability, including high fidelity DNA replication in S-phase, accurate chromosome segregation in M-phase, error-free repair of DNA damage throughout the cell cycle, and coordinated cell cycle progression.  Our longstanding interests are the mechanisms by which genomic instability is induced and how genomic instability drives tumorigenesis. We focus on the roles of mammalian homologous recombination and its associated pathways in error-free DNA repair, replication fidelity, and precise mitotic cell division. Using a BRCA2 interacting protein BCCIP as the platform, we recently began to understand how DNA replication and recombination dysfunctions during S-phase contribute to mitotic chromosome instability.  At the same time, we develop genetically engineered mouse models to understand the confounding roles of genes with concurrent genome-maintenance and cell growth functions at distinct stages of tumor initiation and progression.

