


Circuit analysis of choice-related activity in mouse somatosensory cortex

日期: 2016-06-17


演讲题目:Circuit analysis of choice-related activity in mouse somatosensory cortex

演讲人:Hongdian Yang, Ph.D.

Postdoc Fellow, Johns Hopkins University

时间:6月22日 15:00-16:00



During perceptual decisions about faint or ambiguous sensory stimuli, even identical stimuli can produce different choices. Spike trains from sensory cortex neurons can predict trial-to-trial variability in choice. Choice-related spiking is widely studied as a way to link cortical activity to perception, but its origins remain unclear. Using imaging and electrophysiology, we found that mouse primary somatosensory cortex neurons showed robust choice-related activity during a tactile detection task. Spike trains from primary mechanoreceptive neurons did not predict choices about identical stimuli. Spike trains from thalamic relay neurons showed highly transient, weak choice-related activity. Intracellular recordings in cortex revealed a prolonged choice-related depolarization in most neurons that was not accounted for by feed-forward thalamic input. Top-down axons projecting from secondary to primary somatosensory cortex signaled choice.
