


The Spear and The Shield: Mechanisms of influenza viral replication and the innate immune responses

日期: 2016-11-30
报告题目: The Spear and The Shield: Mechanisms of influenza viral replication and the innate immune responses
报告人:Dr. Yinfang LIU
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences  
Dr. Yingfang Liu currently is a professor at Institute of Biophysics, CAS. In the past ten years, his lab is mainly working on two projects, one is the structural studies of influenza virus RNA dependent RNA polymerase; another is structural studies of the proteins involved in host innate immune responses, especially the proteins that are stimulated by interferon upon infection (Interferon Stimulated Genes, ISGs). Influenza is a long time threat to human society, and its RdRP is the core component for viral replication. It consists of three subunits and harbors many functions. However, the functional mechanism of this RdRP was unclear for many decates, largely due to lack of a high resolution structure. In this talk, Dr. Liu will introduce the progress of his lab on these projects. Especially, he will briefly introduce the process for the breakthrough of the structural determination of Influenza A virus RdRP complex by Cryo-EM approaches. Some results for the structural study of ISGs will be also included.