


JMJD1C, a novel tumor dependency, functions as an essential cofactor for leukemic transcription factors

日期: 2016-12-08
题目:JMJD1C, a novel tumor dependency, functions as an essential cofactor for leukemic transcription factors
演讲人:Mo CHEN
Postdoctoral Fellow The Rockefeller University, 
Laboratory of Robert Roeder, New York
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) are controlled by the expression of key HSC transcription factors (TFs) that act cooperatively to maintain a balance of self-renewal and differentiation. The functions of key TFs are frequently dysregulated in leukemia by chromosomal translocations or mutations. AML1-ETO (AE), generated by the t(8; 21) translocation, dictates a leukemic program by forming a stable TF/cofactor complex (AETFC) containing several HSC TFs. Here I show that the demethylase JMJD1C functions as a coactivator for AETFC and is required for its transcriptional regulation. I also show a critical role for JMJD1C in the survival of multiple human AML cell lines, suggesting that it is required for different AML cell types through its association with key transcription factors.