


Chemical Biology of RNA – New epitranscriptomic modifications and novel imaging approaches

日期: 2017-04-04


题目:Chemical Biology of RNA – New epitranscriptomic modifications and novel imaging approaches

报告人Andres Jäschke

Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology

Heidelberg University



联系人:伊成器  北大-清华生命科学联合中心

The absence of capped RNA is considered as a hallmark of prokaryotic gene expression. Recent developments combine next-generation sequencing with a chemo-enzymatic capture step that allow the enrichment of rare 5’-modified RNA from bacteria. This approach identified covalent cap-like linkage of a specific set of small RNAs to the ubiquitous redox cofactor NAD, and a profound influence of this modification on RNA turnover.[1,2] The modification revealed an unexpected connection between redox biology and RNA processing. I will discuss possible roles of the NAD modification as well as broader implications for structurally related cofactors and metabolites which may also be linked to RNAs, leading to a new epitranscriptomic layer of information encoded in the chemical structure of the attached cofactors.[3] I will further discuss our efforts to unravel the structure and function of bacterial capping and decapping enzymes, and to understand the influence of cap structures on bacterial physiology.[4] I will present progress on NAD capping in pathogenic bacteria, as well as in eukaryotic organisms.

In the last part of the talk, new RNA imaging approaches based on RNA aptamers and contact-quenched probes will be presented.[5,6]


[1]      H. Cahová, M.-L. Winz, K. Höfer, G. Nübel & A. Jäschke, Nature 2015 (519) 374.

[2]      Winz, M.-L., Cahová, H., Nübel, G., Frindert, J., Höfer, K., Jäschke, A.: Nat. Protocols. 2017 (12) 122.

[3]      A. Jäschke, K. Höfer, G. Nübel & J. Frindert, Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 2016 (30) 44.

[4]      K. Höfer, S. Li, F. Abele, J. Frindert, J. Schlotthauer, J. Grawenhoff, J. Du, D. J. Patel & A. Jäschke, Nat. Chem. Biol. 2016 (12) 730.

[5]      Sunbul, M. & Jäschke A., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013 (52) 13401.

[6]      Arora, A., Sunbul, M. & Jäschke, A., Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 (43) e144.
