


Interplay between R loops and chromatin remodeling in the origin of genome instability

日期: 2017-04-19
题目:Interplay between R loops and chromatin remodeling in the origin of genome instability
讲座人:Andrés Aguilera,Ph.D.
Professor CABIMER-University of Seville
时间:April 26th 2017,10:00-11:30 am ( 星期三)
地点:金光生命科学大楼 311
Dr. Andrés Aguilera is the Professor of Genetics of the University of Seville, Director of the Andalusian Centre of Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine (CABIMER) and Head of the Lab “Genome Instability and Cancer”. He obtained his PhD in Seville in 1983. After two postdoctoral stays in the Darmstadt Technical University (Germany) and the New York University Medical Center (USA), working on different aspects of yeast genetics and homologous recombination, he started his own lab dedicated to Genome Instability in 1991. His main research interests are focused on the mechanisms by which replication stress, and impairment of transcription and RNA processing/export cause genome instability, a hallmark of cancer cells, in particular that mediated by R loops, with emphasis at present on the role of chromatin structure, using yeast and human cells mainly. He is coordinator of the Spanish Genome Instability Network, member of EMBO, member of the International Scientific Advisory Boards of various Research Centers in Europe and America, and of the Editorial Board of several scientific journals.
Prof. Andrés Aguilera’s webpage: http://www.cabimer.es/web/en/dept/mb/genome-instability/