


A Coupled Clock System Controls The Heart’s Pacemaker Cell Automaticity

日期: 2017-04-28
题目:A Coupled Clock System Controls The Heart’s Pacemaker Cell Automaticity
报告人:Edward G. Lakatta, M.D.
Director, Laboratory of Cardiovascular Science, 
Gerontology Research Center, Intramural Research Program, 
National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, Maryland
联系人:程和平  北大-清华生命科学联合中心
Dr. Lakatta is the founder and Director of the Laboratory of Cardiovascular Science, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health. He also holds adjunct appointments as Professor, Department of Physiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, and Professor, Cardiology Division, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
He has made a sustained 40-plus-year commitment to a broad-based research career. His studies range from molecules to humans, including translation of novel findings into the clinical realm. The overall goals of his research program are 1) to identify age associated changes that occur within the cardiovascular system and to determine the mechanisms for these changes; 2) to determine how aging of the heart and vasculature interacts with chronic disease states to enhance the risk for CV diseases in older persons; 3) to study basic mechanisms in excitation-contraction coupling and how these are modulated by surface receptor signaling pathways in cardiac cells; 4) to elucidate mechanisms of pacemaker activity in sinoatrial nodal cells; 5) to elucidate mechanisms that govern cardiac and vascular cell survival; 6) to establish the potentials and limitations of new therapeutic approaches such as changes in lifestyle, novel pharmacologic agents or gene or stem cell transfer techniques in aging or disease states.
Dr. Lakatta is recognized as both nationally and internationally as an expert in cardiovascular research. He has authored over 475 original publications in top peer-reviewed cardiovascular journals, written over 250 invited reviews/book chapters, and delivered over 450 invited lectures. He is a member of multiple scholarly societies and journal editorial boards. Based upon his accomplishments, Dr. Lakatta has received numerous awards, among which are the Allied Signal Achievement Award in Aging, the Novartis Prize in Gerontology, the Irving Wright Award of Distinction of the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR), the Frank J. O’Hara Alumni Award from the University of Scranton, and the Distinguished Leader Award of the International Society of Heart Research (ISHR).