


Micro-/Nanofiber matrices for pluripotent stem cell culture and transplantation

日期: 2017-09-13
IMM & CLS Research Seminar 
Title:Micro-/Nanofiber matrices for pluripotent stem cell culture and transplantation
Speaker:Liu Li, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
Department of Microengineering,
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan
Host:英国威廉希尔公司分子医学研究所  赵扬 (Tel. 6275-7123)
In human body, cellular microenvironment is compact and 3-dimentional. However, in conventional cell biology study, plastic dishes and flasks are extensively used for in vitro assays. Cells cultured on these conventional substrates may undergo substantial changes because of the alteration of the cellular microenvironments including the extracellular matrix and the providing of soluble factors. It remains a challenge to recapitulate natural microenvironment for in vitro cultured cells. Recently, a growing number of researches suggest that micro-/nano-engineering technologies could be used to fabricate artificial environment. Our group is also focusing on mimicking cellular microenvironments by using artificial extracellular matrix for cell culture and analysis, especially pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) self-renewal and differentiation. 
In the past several years, we have developed polymer-, gelatin- nanofibers and 3D lattices as xeno-free substrates for pluripotent stem cell self-renewal. We also obtained highly-organized cardiac tissue-like constructs by cultivating human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) on aligned nanofibers for modeling tissue engraftments in vitro and treating myocardial infarction in vivo.