


Chromatin Control of Transcription and Cellular Differentiation

日期: 2018-06-16

题目:Chromatin Control of Transcription and Cellular Differentiation
演讲人:Wulan Deng,Ph.D.
Helen Hay Whitney Fellow
National Academy of Sciences Kavli Fellow
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
University of California, Berkeley, CA
Transcription regulation in the context of chromatin is critical for human development and disease.
My research interests have been focused on the spatial organization of transcription regulatory elements and temporal dynamics of transcription events. I have established the first example of manipulating chromatin spatial organization in mammalian cells, and addressed the cause-effect relationship of chromatin organization and transcription activation. Moreover, I have translated the technology to reactivate fetal globin gene as a potential therapy for treating hemoglobinopathy including sickle cell anemia. I have invented a method that uses in vitro purified CRISPR/Cas9 complex as probes for rapid fluorescent labeling of sequence-specific DNA in situ (named CASFISH). More recently, I have studied binding dynamics of DNA-binding transcription factors in hESC differentiation by single-molecule fluorescent microscopy in differentiating hESC. I believe investigating transcription regulation in the dimensions of space and time can provide us new perspectives of fine control of transcription.