


Reservoir and localization of neuronal operation timescales

日期: 2016-03-02


题目:Reservoir and localization of neuronal operation timescales

报告人:汪小京 教授




主持人:汤超 教授

摘 要:

In a neural circuit, a disparate range of timescales is required for computation underlying brain functions. For instance, to understand speech in a conversation, our brain needs to process and comprehend words on a short timescale, integrate them into sentences on a longer timescale, to paragraphs and narrative on even longer timescales. In this talk, I will first present recent empirical evidence for a reservoir of time constants distributed across either single neurons (1) or different parts of the brain (2). Then, I will discuss a computational modeling that uncovers a circuit mechanism for the mergence of a hierarchy of time constants, or eigen-modes (associated with different timescales) (3). We propose a definition that quantifies spatial localization of eigenvectors, and identify classes of neural circuits with heterogeneity and wiring properties that are required to produce a wide range of time constants; each is spatially localized in a restricted part of the network (4).


1、Bernacchia A, Seo H, Lee D and Wang X-J (2011). A reservoir of time constants for memory traces in cortical neurons. NatureNeurosci.,14, 366-372.

2、Murray JD, Bernacchia A, Freedman DJ, Romo R, Wallis JD, Cai X, Padoa-Schioppa C, Pasternak T, Seo H, Lee D, Wang X-J (2014) A hierarchy of intrinsic timescales across primate cortex. Nature Neurosci.17, 1661-1663.

3、Chaudhuri R, Knoblauch K, Gariel M-A, Kennedy H, Wang X-J (2015)A large-scale circuit mechanism for hierarchical dynamical processing in the primate cortex.Neuron88, 419-431.

4、Chaudhuri R, Bernacchia A, Wang X-J (2014) A diversity of localized timescales in network activity, eLife, 3: e01239.


汪小京教授现任纽约大学神经科学教授,及物理与数学兼职教授,并任纽约大学斯沃茨理论神经科学中心联合主任。他同时是上海纽约大学科研副校长、华东师范大学- 纽约大学脑与认知科学联合研究中心(上海纽约大学)主任。汪教授曾以最优成绩获得比利时布鲁塞尔大学的物理学学士学位与博士学位。他是阿尔弗雷德•斯隆研究学者奖、美国国家科学基金会CAREER奖、古根海姆纪念基金会学者奖、斯坦福大学行为科学高等研究中心学者奖获得者。此外,汪教授还是美国科学促进会会士。汪教授是理论与计算神经科学专家,研究重点是认知功能的脑机制,尤其以在工作记忆的细胞基础、决策的神经机制、大脑抑制神经元网络的研究而著称。他的团队开创了被称为“大脑CEO”的前额叶皮质神经网络模型研究。最近,汪教授的团队正创建大型脑的神经系统仿真模型,来深入研究认知、行为的脑机制和计算原理。
